Jul 10, 2008

Jurassic Salsa

also onyoutube

It's time for bad news! Iran's not happy with our exports, wiretaps are goin' on, stocks are down again, and salsa is poison! it's poison!

Thanks for the song Kris Racer! Here's his website.

Send in winking photos or video. also, send in intro music.

From the Wheezy Archives:
-Chips and Salsa

Source Videos:
-Jurassic Park

Source Articles:
-Stock Market
-Iranian Missiles


  1. First to comment. First to watch? Don't know.
    Pop Culture. You should talk about what that actress wore on that one day and how it looked some way good yet bad and how it probably doesn't matter to anyone's anyway what so ever. I love that.

  2. beat yourself up! Like in fight club only with you throwing yourself around. You could make it artsy and clever on Sunday.

    There is a great poll about whether Nicole should be partying with Paris Hilton or about how Christina Aguilera is obsessed with her kisser looking shiny or Brinkley's ugly divorse battle or Mary-Kate Olsen back in rehab or oh my gosh the possibilities are endless at


  3. Yeah like Nathan said, or in the style of the Liar Liar bathroom/courtroom scene. But why would wheezy want to beat himself up? Cheers.

  4. Hey! you know how they love to re-make movies? Why don't they re-make books? (there's a seinfeld stand up routine in there somewhere)
