Apr 17, 2009

Youtube Gets Paid

parodies, bagels, time travel galore!

Slate article about Youtube woes:

Thanks for the wink, Donna!


  1. Thanks for adding some great *shirt* to my Friday!

  2. wheezy waiter, if i had a business i would advertise on wheezywaiter vids.

    hope that makes things better...i love when you "jump" into the future.

  3. *dying laughing at the cream cheese*
    Did my anonymous post the other day encourage all these new vids of yours...?? (two a week just wasn't enough)
    *looks dreamy eyed in anticipation of you saying:
    "YES!, it was your evil anonymous comment"*
    Okay well maybe not so dreamy eyed, and maybe not so disillusioned, but very happy non the less. Keep it up ;)

  4. Nah... Screw Youtube. Let er' burn. I mean you had videos removed for borrowing people's songs, and they made you a partner. They removed videos of me when I was on G4TV, and they say I can't be a partner because I posted those. Yeah... Content of me, makes it so I can't be a partner.

    Not only is that illogical, but it's unfair.

  5. Did your boss just scream like a girl and slap you in the eye with a knife full of cream cheese?! What the [shirt] is up with that? Nice little uppercut thingy though. :)

  6. I was laughing so hard at this one I think a little pee came out. Very informative to. Cute Kitty wink. ;)

  7. *cries because of laughing so hard at your bosses grunt and creamy cheesey slap to the time travel shades*


  8. So if every time you punched yourself it was you from the future then why haven't we seen you travel back in time a ton more. You need to explain the whole logic behind your show Wheezy you make less sense then lost does.

  9. Eric, yes, you're right. Every time I punch myself it is me from the future doing the punch....or, in some cases it's my present day self punching my future self. There's plenty of story involved in all of this, but it will remain implied forever. Only I will know about it. I like this because it gives me a reason to think that I'm more knowledgeable than everyone else.

  10. Your advertising for Woo me. Love it.
